Shortest distance to the Atlantic Ocean in the 1,900-plus miles of the Eastern Seaboard
12 acres
A 20 minute walk or 7 minute bike ride from downtown
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Accessible wheelchair and Mobi Mat for beach accessibility
Strong commerce/retail corridor
Small to mid-size industrial opportunities
Housing options
Brewery District
Direct access to Florida Turnpike
Three I-95 exits (Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach Boulevard and Gateway Boulevard)
Tri-Rail station
Proximity to 3 major seaports
Proximity to 3 major international airports
250-plus acres of beach, natural conservation land and parks
Twenty-eight developed sites
Five parks on the Intracoastal Waterway
Western community location
18-hole Championship Golf Course and 9-hole Family Golf Course
Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary
Multiple Pre-Schools
Seven Elementary Schools:
Poinciana Elementary
Galaxy E3 Elementary
Crosspointe Elementary
Rolling Green Elementary
Citrus Cove Elementary
Forest Park Elementary
Freedom Shores Elementary
Middle School: Congress Middle School
High School: Boynton Beach Community High School
Private Schools:
Lake Worth Christian
St. Joseph's Episcopal
Charter Schools:
Imagine-Schools Chancellor Campus
Gulfstream Goodwill Transition to Life Academy
Quantum High School
South Tech Preparatory Academy - Middle School
South Tech Preparatory Academy - High School